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<h1>How to install GCAM (LMC) for Mi 9T Pro/K20 Pro/raphael on MIUI or Custom ROM:</h1> <h3>This is using GCAM LMC 8.4 (or the latest version in the telegram).</h3> <h2>Steps:</h2> <ol> <li>Join <a class=link href="https://t.me/K20ProPhotography">the K20ProPhotography telegram group</a> and send the message `#gcam`. Then, click the linked button.</li> <img src=https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/Screenshot%202023-10-09%20152552.png> <li>Click on "LMC 8.4 Snap R16" (note the version numbers may have changed).</li> <img src=https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/Screenshot%202023-10-09%20152932.png> <li>Click on the Snapcam APK to download it. Once it's downloaded, install the APK.</li> <img src="https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/Screenshot%202023-10-09%20153205.png"> <li>Open the app and grant it all the permissions.</li> <li>Go back to telegram and back to DMs with Rose bot, then click "IronHrt XML Channel"</li> <img src="https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/Screenshot%202023-10-09%20153516.png"> <li>If you are on <b>MIUI</b>, save the <code>IronHrt_L1.9MIUI_OSS.xml</code> file to downloads. If you are on another ROM, such as pixel experience, save the <code>IronHrt_L1.9_OSS.xml</code> file to downloads.</li> <img src="https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/InkedScreenshot_20231009-153857_Telegram.jpg"> <li>In your phone file manager, move the XML file to the LMC8.4 folder that's now on your phone.</li> <img src="https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/Screenshot_20231009-153920_Files_by_Google.png"> <li>Then, open the LMC camera app, and <b>double click</b> in between the shutter button and the gallery button.</li> <img src="https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/Inkedj7wjs4sr.jpg"> <li>A box should appear that should have the config you moved to the LMC8.4 folder selected. Just click IMPORT.</li> <img src="https://razbot.xyz/pages/files/InkedScreenshot_20231009-153953_LMC8.4.jpg"> <ol> <p>Done!</p> <script type="text/javascript"> const linkElements = document.getElementsByClassName('link'); function handleHover(event) { const originalText = event.target.textContent; // Get href of <a> element const link = event.target.href; event.target.textContent = link; // Reset the link text when the hover ends event.target.addEventListener('mouseout', function() { event.target.textContent = originalText; }); } for (let i = 0; i < linkElements.length; i++) { const linkElement = linkElements[i]; linkElement.addEventListener('mouseover', handleHover); } </script>