How to Pick Subjects for A-Level
Everything written here is to be taken as gospel as this is not a matter of my option, but cold hard facts.
Here I am going to list the subjects for A-Level I have opinions on. If a subject isn't listed here, it isn't worth doing because its irrelevant.
This list has no particular order, but you may notice I started with the subjects I have the biggest disdain for then it descends to random ones I could think of. For reference, I take Computer Science (OCR), Geography (AQA), and Maths (the robbing bastards over at Pearson Edexcel).
- Maths - Don't take Maths unless you LOVE IT. You have to FUCKING LOVE IT to warrant taking it. If you have the littlest of dislike for it, do NOT, under ANY circumstance, take Maths. Yes, if you want to do Computer Science at Uni, some uptight Unis will say you need it, so fuck them. I was wooed into doing it under the false sense of needing it for CS. While, yes, you do need it for some Unis, the ones I ended up applying for (Newcastle, Salford) DON'T NEED IT. I AM NOW STUCK WITH THIS GODFORSAKEN SUBJECT.
- Further Maths - Ha! Good one. Take this if you love Maths more than having friends.
- Physics - From what I have heard, this subject is the antichrist. Don't.
- Chemistry - Physics but with Carbon and shit. How the fuck is everything made out of Carbon? Nobody has yet been able to answer this question for me so as far as I can tell its all made up (if you know the answer email me at
[email protected]
). Ain't no way diamonds and the shit we write with are both made out of Carbon. Nobody I have talked to enjoys Chemistry. Especially organic chemistry which looks more painful than childbirth. I've been told, by a chemistry student, that chemistry should only be taken by masochists. Take that as you will. - Biology - Sounds as painful as the other 2 sciences. Not only that, but it doesn't seem to apply to anything. Ever have a problem someone taking biology should know the answer to? Don't fucking bother, they won't know; they can however, tell you all about ecology, which is just Geography. Take Geography instead.
- English Lit/Lan - Combined into one because you aren't fooling anyone, they are the same thing. Take these if you like it. However, don't talk to people who don't do it, about it, because they didn't take it for a reason. Ta.
- Psychology - As far as I can tell this subject is just research methods (source: friends don't stop whining). Take this subject if you don't know what you want to do with your life. Also, good luck getting a job in psychology.
- Media - Like watching films? Take this. As far as I can tell, its watching films every lesson and making a 4 page magazine for your project (NEA). Sounds like a doddle.
- Sociology - I don't understand the difference in this and Psychology. As fair as I'm concerned, they are the same thing. Tomayto, tomahto.
- Business - `Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price.` That's it. B-tech maths. Take this if you are a crypto bro who thinks you have it all figured out. Requirements to take subject: puffer jacket and tracky bottoms (grey or black) that you wear with your arse hanging out of.
- Drama - Take this subject if you dislike having free time. Goes well with lots of "charisma" (they are very easy to hear in a group, I'll leave it at that).
- Music - All I'll say is Noel Gallagher and Shaun Ryder did nothing of the sort.
- Geography - Minimal bad things to say about this subject. Human geography is just made up nonsense about people's feelings. The project (NEA) is a pain in the arse, though. Make sure to pick something you give a shit about to investigate. I'd recommend picking a human geography question because it is just waffle and fully subjective. Take this if you liked it at GCSE (or need a filler A-Level) and hope to god your teachers decide to do coasts instead of glaciers.
- Computer Science - Take this if you like Computer Science though be warned people who take this subject do often have an evasion to deodorant, it is a stereotype for a reason. I warn you, the project is long. You need to be competent at some form of programming. Oh, and, they're either neeks or hate the subject and took it because they thought it would be as easy as GCSE (apart from me, I'm cool).
These facts were first listed here on 28/02/2024. I am comparing this to the likes of the 10 commandments written on tablets of stone, so yeah, gospel.

Author: MrRazamataz
Last Updated: 2024-04-24 21:42:06
Created: 2024-04-24 21:42:06
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