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EE Auto Gift

This tool allows you to automatically gift data from one number in your EE family group to another...

GitHub Link

Download the script from the GitHub link above.

This script uses selenium to automate the process of gifting data from one number to another in an EE family.



You will need the geckodriver for the script to run. Install it with apt install firefox-geckodriver, and make sure it’s located at /usr/bin/geckodriver. To use a different browser, you can change this at the top of the main() function in the script.

You will also need to install the required python packages with pip install -r requirements.txt.


  1. Rename .env.example to .env and edit the values:
    • EMAIL - put your account email that you can login to https://id.ee.co.uk/login with.
    • PASSWORD - put your account password.
    • FROM_NUMBER - put the phone number of the person whose data you want to gift elsewhere.
    • TO_NUMBER - put the phone number of the person you're sending the data to.
    • AMOUNT - put the amount, in GB that you wish to send. e.g., for 512MB put 0.5.
  2. Set up the script to run whenever your contract renews each month (or whenever). The script provides multiple ways (crontab or pm2) of automatically setting this up. See below for more options.
  3. Then, hopefully you will receive a text every month that you have been gifted data!

Running the Script Automatically

The script provides a command line argument (CLI) to help you setup the script to run automatically. Run ee.py with the --setup-cron argument, and the script will walk you through the steps. If you already have experience with automating scripts, you can set this up yourself as well.

Other CLI Arguments

The CLI arguments take priority over the .env file settings.

  --help                       Shows this.
  --username USERNAME          Your username.
  --password PASSWORD          Your password.
  --from-number FROM_NUMBER    The number you're gifting data from.
  --to-number TO_NUMBER        The number you're gifting data to.
  --amount AMOUNT              The amount of data you're gifting. In GB.
  --setup-cron                 Helper to add a crontab to run the script every month on the day your contract renews.


Author: MrRazamataz

Last Updated: 2024-12-30 18:01:32

Created: 2024-11-12 14:31:43

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